MUSE X Referendum
Muse x ReferendumConceived on the back of a napkin in CoGro, MUSE Magazine has been around longer than Daniel Woolf has been principal of our dear school. We’ve seen CoGro move from the JDUC to the ARC, the reintroduction of homecoming, and the building of the Isabel. Better yet, we’ve seen the metamorphosis of MUSE from little caterpillar to beautiful butterfly (apologies for the overused cliché). Through the years, we have managed to maintain our overall goal to “pay tribute to the hidden gems and talent of the arts, entertainment, fashion, and lifestyle cultures that are embedded in our incredible community.” But for MUSE, the journey has never just ended there (oozing cliché, sorry). While keeping the original goal in mind, MUSE Magazine still has found room to come out with amazing new initiatives and kickass ideas.Although MUSE has done some sweet things in the past, some of my favourite initiatives have been some of the relatively recent.MY FAVE MUSE’NGS:Music MondaysIf Monday blues get you down, there is no better way to pick yourself back up than jamming out to new tunes. Picked weekly by our very cool music editor, Tiffany, and the rest of the MUSE team, the playlists are definite bangers.
MUSE ViewsMUSE Magazine has always been light-hearted, but lately contributors have been turning to MUSE to get their opinions and takes on current events off their chest. From the Lena Dunham scandal, to the usage of the term “basic bitch”, the MUSE blog is an intriguing read.MUSE NewsOnly a couple of weeks old, MUSE News is just a little baby. Every Sunday, frosh representatives Michael and Rylee sum up the wild, weird, and wacky headlines from the previous week. It is perfect for those who have been hiding (or pretending to hide) under piles of textbooks all week.
Hilarious InstagramsIf you aren’t already following @musexqueens on Instagram, I would definitely toss it a follow. From feel-good posts to get you through the day, to pictures of Zac Efron with ramen-like hair, this account has got it all. Don't worry about your follower-following ratio; our Instagram is worth it.MUSE x Flights and BitesBack in November, MUSE teamed up with The Brooklyn for the oh-so-cool craft beer tasting event, Flights & Bites. Although the first of its kind, it will definitely be a first of many as MUSE events just seem to be getting hipper and hipper.
MUSE has been on an exponential growth pattern over the past couple of years. It has grown from a scribble on the back of a napkin to a magazine printing 1000 copies per issue, and an online blog posting almost daily. There is a lot of MUSE love in the air lately.To support the growth of our baby, vote YES to MUSE in the referendum on January 27th and 28th.Check out the Facebook event for more informationYours CreativelyShanelle Furtado, Online ContributorGraphics: Abi Conners