Keep me warm, Keep me close
Midhat Mujaddid Midhat Mujaddid

Keep me warm, Keep me close

Dear Ammi,

I just want to say thank you, for postponing giving away the clothes in your donation bin.

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Bo Fei Yu Bo Fei Yu


What I think about when I think of herbal medicine

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In Between
Isabella Wong Isabella Wong

In Between

Being third generation Chinese in a Western household.

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nothin to prove
Dalyah Schiarizza Dalyah Schiarizza

nothin to prove

broke through / spread through / lays with me as a reminder/ where we’ve been / where i am /where’s next?

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The Water Lilies
Kaitlyn Orge Kaitlyn Orge

The Water Lilies

The ugly colours of my past have become a Monet I hang proudly in my mind.

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Gentle Woman
Cassidy Rae Cassidy Rae

Gentle Woman

Gentle Mother, peaceful dove, teach us wisdom; teach us love.

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