A Job & A Dog
Welp. We're in the midst of exam season, April is coming to an end, and many of us are graduating. We’re feeling that exam and paper crunch time whilst also dealing with the questions about what you’re going to do next year.

Dubai in Less Than 1500 Words
This winter break I finally got to see the place my boyfriend calls home – Dubai.

What Health Means To Me
My eating disorder was always striving to find that perfect definition of health.

The Problem with FOMO
FOMO is an anxiety grounded by the jealousy of the fun and experience we think everyone is having.

4 Podcasts You Have To Listen To
Cassandra breaks down the podcasts you NEED to listen to.

Book Review: The Confidence Code
Inspiring and insightful, The Confidence Code is a powerful narrative that goes to the roots of where confidence stems from and suggests strategies to build your own.

How to Wear a Headband If You're Not Blair Waldorf
I somehow found myself on Amazon, clicking on a thumbnail of a black headband going for $6.99. I hesitated for a minute. Would I ever actually wear it? Would it ever pass as non-ironic? Would I find a way to not look like Blair Waldorf in the process?

Valentine's Day Playlist
Whether you're hanging with your partner, kicking with the gang, or treating yourself to some much needed R&R, there is a Valentine’s Day song for you!

What it's Like to be the Sober Friend
It’s close to midnight and you scan the room, watching your friends drink away the stress of the past week. That’s what Friday nights are for, right?

How to Start your Job Hunt
There’s everyday stress… and then there’s being a 4th year being faced with adult life and finding a job stress. The indescribable, “what am I supposed to be doing with my life”, overwhelming kind of stress.

Anti-Depressants: Tips to Taking Pharmaceutical Happy Pills and my own Experiences
The idea of anti-depressants is a tough pill for many to swallow (pun intended), but it’s one that so many require in order to get out of bed or simply enjoy the small things again. I am one of these people.
When Anorexia Comes To Your Lecture With You
On the outside I look fine. But that’s the tricky thing about Anorexia, and mental illness in general- you can be fully functioning and pretend you’re fine even when you’re a mess (hot mess, but I digress).

Good News Roundup
In a world where bad news seems way too frequent and good news doesn’t seem to come as often as we need it, it is important to highlight the good news that is happening in Canada and around the world.

The Best Brunch Spots in Kingston
Ok now I don’t know about you, but I LOVE a good brunch. Like, LOVE. As in love so much last semester I probably went at least twice a week (which I am toning down this semester because brunch is $$ and I don’t have a lot of that right now), and let me tell you, I think I’ve been everywhere possible in Kingston.

The Power of Social Media
With nearly instant news updates, photo sharing, and the ability to share what’s on your mind with the click of a button, social media has presented itself as a tool utilized to shape a communicative framework that alters our perception of the real and the ideal.