The Power of Social Media
With nearly instant news updates, photo sharing, and the ability to share what’s on your mind with the click of a button, social media has presented itself as a tool utilized to shape a communicative framework that alters our perception of the real and the ideal.

Winter Skincare Tips
Fret no more, MUSE readers, because we're here to save your skin with some winter beauty skin tips that will have your skin back to feeling moisturized and loved once more.

Making the Most of Frost Week
Frost Week is that limbo period between coming back from Christmas break, and having any major assignments, which makes it one of the most underrated times of the school year. To maximize your leisure time and minimize stress, here are some tips to get the most out of your Frost Week.

How to Get Back in the Swing of Things
I hate to be the one to break it to you but winter break is over. I know, I know it came and went much faster than we all expected, but now it’s time for the new (school) year.

Study Tips that ACTUALLY Work
Don’t be fooled, I’m struggling, too, but when it comes to studying, I go all out. I’ve tried all sorts of methods and have some tips that actually work. Beware, you probably won’t like them but trust me, you’ll feel better during (the fast approaching) exam season if you follow these.

5 Apps for Getting Organized
With November and its assignments coming to an end and exams rearing their heads, it's time to buckle down. If you’re looking to organize anything from errands to academics this semester, have no fear. The following arsenal of apps will help bring order to your life.

Self Help's Bad Reputation
Reading self help doesn’t have to be about changing your life. It can be about hearing another viewpoint on a topic and gaining a little more knowledge. It can also be about being moved by the experiences of others and valuing their opinions.

The Best Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas
October is my favourite time of year. Fall weather is at it’s peak, it’s 100% cute hat and scarf season, and most importantly it’s Halloween.

What to Expect for Halloween
Before giving you a run down of the easiest last minute costumes early next week, MUSE has compiled a list of what to expect this Halloween.