Coming to you Live
Illustration by Sydney Hanson
I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again. I. Love. Live. Radio. Ever since I was a child, I’ve been thrilled by the roll of the dice that comes with listening to the radio. Giving up personal choice and putting my trust in the capable hands that I couldn’t see was a fun game I always enjoyed, regardless of the tracks the host chose to spin. Now, as one half of the dynamic duo that is CFRC’s show, Between Friends, I can confidently say that being able to host radio live is the highlight of my week.
When my co-host Sofia and I realised that we would be on alternating exchange semesters this year, for a brief moment, the future of our new baby (the show) looked bleak. But, we decided to continue, opting to run the show solo for our respective semesters. With the help of guests, we hosted someone different every week to keep the conversational and light-hearted spirit of Between Friends alive. To laugh, listen and share music amongst two pals, or maybe even more. At first, the prospect of going live, sans Sofia, was daunting. On top of that, hosting a new person every week who wouldn’t possess the radio savvy skills to fix my mistakes, only added to my stress. But now, after 10 weeks of this, being able to experience the wonder of student radio with my guests has helped me to see our show, and the station itself, through fresh eyes. I’ve learned a lot from my guests, and I’ll do my best in one page to share what they’ve taught me.
For Lucas, one of my long-time friends and a talented musician himself, he had seen the station but had never been inside. “I’ve always walked past and listened to (and sometimes even been spooked by) whatever is playing from the speaker by the door but never expected such an incredible little spot to be tucked away there. It was honestly kind of magical.” This hour out of his week as a civil engineering student was restorative. To him, the experience “made me feel really complete. It was like the piece of the puzzle I needed to find on that particular day.” Lucas’s words reminded me that live radio provides a rare chance in our hectic student schedules where you are genuinely forced to put your worries aside and just focus on music, memories, and conversation, even just for an hour.
For Ella, my housemate and closest confidante, getting behind the mic for the first time was a nerve wracking prospect. Watching from the sidelines for a couple of sessions as I hosted with our other friends helped her to realize that perhaps it wasn’t so scary after all. When she decided to come in for a co-hosting slot, she absolutely nailed it. She was a true natural with absolutely scalding song selections to boot. On the experience she said that “radio catapulted me into a trend of trying new things around campus.” The hour we spent together was hugely fun, and evidently a confidence boost that uplifted the rest of her week.
Finally Natalie, my most reliable and trusted co-host of the semester. A Between Friends aficionado, this semester she featured twice, and has been one of the earliest guests and supporters of the show since its conception last summer. To her, participating in radio made her feel “so knowledgeable about music”, saying that walking into CFRC for the first time was like entering “your cool friend’s basement.”A place to chill, and put your worries aside for a while.
Overall, being able to share this new experience with my friends helps me to remember why I love live radio so much. It can be scary, hard, and stressful sometimes. I’ve fumbled over my words, made technical errors, and once, I even forgot to turn on the mic. But seeing the awe and excitement on my friends faces as I give them the station tour through the archives, the rush of confidence when they put on the headphones, and seeing the elated text messages from friends and family hearing them behind the mic for the first time reminds me what it’s all about. Sharing, listening, and loving what you’re doing. I can’t wait for the grand reunion that will coincide with Sofia’s homecoming, and we’ve learned so much from our Between Friends family that will shape our show as it continues to grow. To our guests, we thank you!
Get involved: trust me, you won’t regret it.