Playlist Profiles: What Your Friends Are Listening To
MUSE is back with another edition of Playlist Profiles: What Your Friends Are Listening To. If you’re not familiar with this segment, I get some students with diverse music tastes to submit some of their favourite songs either at this moment, or of all time. Checkout the submissions below to add some music to your library or maybe meet your musical soulmate! I had too much too much FOMO writing this article so I decided to throw in my top 10 as well.
Liat is in 4th year commerce and has only woken up before 11am 6 times this year.

Ben is in 4th year politics, philosophy & economics and plays bass in a Kingston band called The Tales.

Trish is in 4th year politics and has been on over 200 days of canoe trip.

Connor is in 3rd year chemical engineering and once ran over one of his best friend's pet cat.

Camille is in 4th year economics and is a swine flu survivor.

Matt is in 4th year economics and was cursed by a gypsy as a child.

Robbyn is in 4th year life sciences and has 6 tattoos, 3 of which are from 3 different countries.

Lauchland is in 4th year health studies and her 11-year-old sister has informed her that she is “doing Tik Tok wrong and needs to practice before posting anymore”.

Ella is in 4th year computing and is the author of this article.